What is Sukkot ?
Sukkot is phonetically pronounced as “Sioux-Coat” or “Sue-Coat”. Many English Bibles refer to it as the Feast of Tabernacles. Sukkot is one of the three pilgrimage feasts mentioned in the Old Testament along with Passover and Pentecost. References to these feasts are also found in the New Testament. These feasts or “moedim” (annual appointments) have a basis in agriculture and are associated with the themes of planting and harvesting and carry over into the themes of first and second coming.
The feasts of YHVH are for all who call upon the name or authority of the Most High. The feasts proclaim God’s deeds of salvation and restoration for those who look to the God of the Biblical patriarchs such as Abraham. The feasts provide believers with a Biblical opportunity to worship God in the beauty of Holiness and to edify others as they rehearse the coming of His Son and future Kingdom.
Some studies in the New Testament have suggested that the birth of the Savior may have occurred in the season of Sukkot. This is profound in that Sukkot can be looked upon as a time wherein we “Celebrate the King who was born and proclaim His Kingdom to come”.
Why Celebrate Sukkot ?
Sukkot is associated with the theme of Sabbath as its first and last day are Sabbath rest days. Hence, it is a time wherein we can rest or enjoy peace or shalom with God and His people as we rejoice in His righteousness during this set apart time. Ezekiel 20:12 states: “Moreover also I gave them my Sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am YHVH that sanctifies them.”
As a Biblical event, Sukkot is perhaps the closest a person can come to the Kingdom before its future advent as it prophetically foreshadows God’s Kingdom to Come. The Bible tells its hearers to prepare themselves as a bride who is making herself ready for a wedding. Sukkot can be looked upon as a wedding rehearsal prior to the main event. God’s people celebrated Sukkot in the past as the feasts were mandated to them in the scriptures. The scriptures likewise foretell in Zechariah Chapter 14 that “all the nations of the earth in the future shall celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.” If people in the past kept this Feast and people in the future will be keeping it, then seems reasonable that through obedience and love we should keep it in our times as well.